I often experience long periods where I honestly CBA to go sit at the workbench. I'll start a new model once in a while, but it's clear I enjoy building and painting more than actually finishing a model that last 5%. (I now have 6 models sitting on the 95% complete shelf, and at least 2 more that I've given up on altogether)

I took my black overalls and brushed some Slipknot logo's on it, but - cheap bastard I am - I refuse to pay $50 for a mask, so I tried making something myself, from a $2 hockeymask.
It basically gave me a good excuse to "brush" up my airbrush skills, and - particularly - to experiment with AK heavy chipping fluid. I'm glad to say it turned out wonderfully.
I sprayed Vallejo Metal Color (dark Aluminium) on top of a light coat of Heavy Chipping, waited a few hours and made it wet again. I didn't need to be careful and used a stiff brush, toothbrush and even a toothpick.
Afterwards, I gave it a few washes with black and brown oils for some subtle details (that aren't easily captured on picture)
If I count all the layers, there's
- black primer
- German Grey
- 2 x matte varnish (to protect from scratching later)
- Chipping Fluid
- Dark Aluminium
- Matte varnish
- Oil wash (Starship Filth and Flesh Shadow)
The Slipknot-disguise was meant to be used for the entire workday only, but I reused the mask for the afterwork-party to go as a killer-clown version of the Mad Hatter, since the theme of the evening was (m)Alice in Wonderland.
My colleague's (dead) rabbit-mask was inspired on a photo and built from scratch in 12 hours. Some people got mad skillz.